During the preceding period, in the eastern sector, west of the defensive walls of the Nafpaktos castle, earthmoving and excavations were carried out both on the roof terrace of the bastion of Oraia Dapia and at the Clock tower. Interesting facts about their building history were revealed, dating from the Venetian period to modern times. This was followed by their design with the separation of the main construction phases. Limited excavations were also carried out in the curtain wall section, north of the Clock bastion, where exploratory trial trenches were dug and architectural remains of a rectangular building, possibly a tower, came to light.
In the curtain wall interval M29-30, extensive restoration works took place at its end, related to reconstructing the damaged ramparts with the extent possible reinstatement of their original form based on the relevant approved study. In addition, fixing works with jointing additions were carried out on the entire outer side of the defensive wall.
At the same time, the restoration of the items that will be included in the permanent exhibition under preparation on the Byzantine period of the citadel of Nafpaktos in rooms on the acropolis of the castle continues. After the Ministry of Culture approves the museological and museographic study, we will proceed with its implementation.
In the castle of Vonitsa, fixing and restoration works of the defensive wall at the cross-wall area of the 3rd enclosure were carried out, such as grouting and filling in gaps in the masonry, repair of the wide through crack of the southern semi-circular bastion with the method of stone-suture, and finally, fixing and waterproofing of the decayed parts of the ramparts.
Also, the renovation of the two-storey building of “Ali Pasha” has been completed, in which the creation of a permanent digital exhibition is scheduled soon, which will include information material both on the castle itself and the corresponding monuments of the wider area of Aetolia-Acarnania (fortifications of the Byzantine and post-Byzantine periods). Thus a historical and archaeological study was prepared, the results of which will be used in the exhibition and the publication of informative printed material.
Finally, systematic cleaning throughout the castle was carried out, while a prefabricated guard-room was placed at the entrance.
As part of the enhancement of the Actium fortress, after the initial necessary cleaning from the extensive vegetation both in the monument itself and in the surrounding area, the work focused on the inner triangular courtyard. The accumulated earth was removed, while the eight rooms on the south side were researched. The ascent ramp to the wall-walk was cleaned, followed by smoothing works, removal of the surface filling and earthmoving at the upper level of the fortress. In more detail, to date, the removal of the accumulated earth at the bastion of the NW corner and part of the bastion of the SW corner, but also on the wall-walks of the N, S and W sides, has been completed. In the bastion of the NE side and part of that of the SW corner, smoothing was carried out.
The design of all the fortress areas has been completed. At the same time – after the expected mortars’ analysis was delivered – the monument’s protection and enhancement work with jointing and secondary additions in the gaps of its defensive walls is in progress.
Finally, the necessary drainage works have been completed according to the relevant study. As the project is nearing completion, the installation of the external lighting of the monument is pending so that it is visible at night, even from the opposite city of Preveza.